The SpaceWire standard defines a bi-directional data link specifically designed for communication between sub-systems on spacecrafts.  Each forward and return paths of a SpaceWire link consists of a DATA and STROBE signal.  Each signal uses 100 Ohm Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) for electrically communicating the potentially high data rates of the link.

Given the high speed, controlled impedance differential signals of the forward and return paths of the links, it is difficult to monitor the link with test equipment without effecting the operation of the link.  SEI's SpaceWire breakout board is intended to make this test measurement much easier.  

The SpaceWire breakout board provides a controlled impedance path for link signals with labelled test points where differential oscilloscope probes may be attached.  This provides for a minimal stub length on the differential signal to maintain signal integrity of the differential signal.  

The DUT side of the breakout board is intended to interface directly to the Device Under Test (DUT) while the CABLE side interfaces to the SpaceWire cable normally connected to the DUT.  This style of connection maintains the proper shielding of the link signals per the SpaceWire specification.